Wednesday 27 March 2013

Estelle & Thild Bergamot Body Wash - Gentle, limited chemicals

I purchased this a couple of months ago, for £13.80. I got mine off the lovelulawebsite.  I really wanted to try this, because it was created in Sweden by a woman who wanted gentle and organic hair and skin care for her daughters. The blurb says:

“They believe in gentle ingredients with proven positive effects and they always strive to use simple, pure compounds. Estelle & Thild avoid combining too many plant extracts to limit the risk of skin irritation. Their gentle products protect the skin’s natural balance and can be used even by people with extremely sensitive skin.”
Sounds exciting, and the packaging is gorgeous! 
Lovely packaging! 
However, I am a little bit disappointed.   The scent of this reminded me of Ciff - the stuff you use to clean your bathroom.  That’s not to say it’s not nice; I like it. It’s just not what I was expecting.  Then, the instructions say to use a little bit of it for a full body wash.  In my mind, this is a little bit:
Drop about the size of a 5p
I may as well just use water if that’s what I’m going to use, because I will get hardly any scent or foam.  You need to put quite a bit, and keep in mind it is pretty expensive, to get any kind of lather so that you feel as if you’re actually cleaning yourself with it. I’ve used it without a sponge and that worked even worse.  

On the whole, I don’t think I will be purchasing this again.  However, it didn’t irritate my skin and actually seemed quite mild and gentle as promised, so I might venture one day to try a couple of other stuff from their collection.  They do non-scented and children’s washes, so those with very sensitive skin may benefit from checking it out.

Have you tried any estelle & thild products? Let me know your thoughts!


  1. Okay first off I just would like to say that it is so good to see a blogger that does not use organic, cruelty free products! It is truly admirable (: Oh that is dreadful that the product wasn't satisfactory though :(

    1. I know!! The packaging was sooooo cute!!! Skin Blossom's body wash is about half the price, smells better, and lathers up loads better, if you want a nice organic, chemical-free body wash :)

      I shall check out your blog now.
